Chapter 6
October 28, 1882
WAS SATURDAY. The semi-annual Brahmo festival, celebrated each autumn and
spring, was being held in Benimadhav Pal's beautiful garden house at Sinthi,
about three miles north of Calcutta. The house stood in a secluded place
suited for contemplation. Trees laden with flowers, artificial lakes with
grassy banks, and green arbours enhanced the beauty of the grounds. Just
as the fleecy clouds were turning gold in the light of the setting sun, the
Master arrived.
Many devotees had attended the morning devotions, and in the
afternoon people from Calcutta and the neighbouring villages joined them.
Shivanath, the great Brahmo devotee whom the Master loved dearly, was one of
the large gathering of members of the Brahmo Samaj who had been eagerly
awaiting Sri Ramakrishna's arrival.
When the carriage bringing the Master and a few devotees
reached the garden house, the assembly stood up respectfully to receive
him. There was a sudden silence, like that which comes when the curtain
in a theatre is about to be rung up. People who had been conversing with
one another now fixed their attention on the Master's serene face, eager not to
lose one word that might fall from his lips.
Master's joy on seeing Shivanāth
the sight of Shivanath the Master cried out joyously: "Ah! Here is
Shivanath! You see, you are a devotee of God. The very sight of you
gladdens my heart. One hemp-smoker feels very happy to meet
another. Very often they embrace each other in an exuberance of
The devotees burst out laughing.
Worldly people's indifference to spiritual life
MASTER: "Many people visit the temple
garden at Dakshineswar. If I see some among the visitors indifferent to
God, I say to them, 'You had better sit over there.' Or sometimes I say, 'Go
and see the beautiful buildings.' (Laughter.)
"Sometimes I find that the devotees of God are
accompanied by worthless people. Their companions are immersed in gross
worldliness and don't enjoy spiritual talk at all. Since the devotees
keep on, for a long time, talking with me about God, the others become
restless. Finding it impossible to sit there any longer, they whisper to
their devotee friends: 'When shall we be going? How long will you stay here?'
The devotees say: 'Wait a bit. We shall go after a little while.' Then
the worldly people say in a disgusted tone: 'Well, then, you can talk. We
shall wait for you in the boat.' (All laugh.)
Power of God's name
people will never listen to you if you ask them to renounce everything and
devote themselves whole-heartedly to God. Therefore Chaitanya and Nitai,
after some deliberation, made an arrangement to attract the worldly. They
would say to such persons, 'Come, repeat the name of Hari, and you shall have a
delicious soup of magur fish and the embrace of a young woman.' Many people,
attracted by the fish and the woman, would chant the name of God. After
tasting a little of the nectar of God's hallowed name, they would soon realize
that the 'fish soup' really meant the tears they shed for love of God, while
the 'young woman' signified the earth. The embrace of the woman meant
rolling on the ground in the rapture of divine love.
"Nitai would employ any means to make people repeat
Hari's name. Chaitanya said: 'The name of God has very great
sanctity. It may not produce an immediate result, but one day it must
bear fruit. It is like a seed that has been left on the cornice of a building.
After many days the house crumbles, and the seed falls on the earth,
germinates, and at last bears fruit.'
Three classes of devotees
worldly people are endowed with sattva, rajas, and tamas, so also is bakti
characterized by the three gunas.
"Do you know what a worldly person endowed with sattva
is like? Perhaps his house is in a dilapidated condition here and there.
He doesn't care to repair it. The worship hall may be strewn with pigeon
droppings and the courtyard covered with moss, but he pays no attention to
these things. The furniture of the house may be old; he doesn't think of
polishing it and making it look neat. He doesn't care for dress at all;
anything is good enough for him. But the man himself is very gentle,
quiet, kind, and humble; he doesn't injure anyone.
"Again, among the worldly there are people with the
traits of rajas. Such a man has a watch and chain, and two or three rings
on his fingers. The furniture of his house is all spick and span.
On the walls hang portraits of the Queen, the Prince of Wales, and other
prominent people; the building is whitewashed and spotlessly clean. His
wardrobe is filled with a large assortment of clothes; even the servants have
their livery, and all that.
"The traits of a worldly man endowed with tamas are
sleep, lust, anger, egotism, and the like.
Three kinds of bhakti
bhakti, devotion, has its sattva. A devotee who possesses it meditates on
God in absolute secret, perhaps inside his mosquito net. Others think he
is asleep. Since he is late in getting up, they think perhaps he has not
slept well during the night. His love for the body goes only as far as
appeasing his hunger, and that only by means of rice and simple greens.
There is no elaborate arrangement about his meals, no luxury in clothes, and no
display of furniture. Besides, such a devotee never flatters anybody for
"An aspirant possessed of rajasic bhakti puts a tilak
on his forehead and a necklace of holy rudraksha beads, interspersed with gold
ones, around his neck. (All laugh.) At worship he wears a silk cloth.
"A man endowed with tamasic bhakti has burning
faith. Such a devotee literally extorts boons from God, even as a robber
falls upon a man and plunders his money. 'Bind! Beat! Kill!'-that is his
way, the way of the dacoits."
Utilizing Tamas for spiritual welfare
this, the Master began to sing in a voice sweet with rapturous love, his eyes
turned upward:
Why should I go to Ganga or Gaya, to Kasi, Kanchi, or
So long as I can breathe my last with Kāli's name upon my lips?
What need of rituals has a man, what need of devotions any more,
If he repeats the Mother's name at the three holy hours?
Rituals may pursue him close, but never can they overtake him.
Charity, vows, and giving of gifts do not appeal to Madan's mind;
The Blissful Mother's Lotus Feet are his whole prayer and sacrifice.
Who could ever have conceived the power Her name possesses?
Śiva Himself, the God of Gods, sings Her praise with His five mouths!
So long as I can breathe my last with Kāli's name upon my lips?
What need of rituals has a man, what need of devotions any more,
If he repeats the Mother's name at the three holy hours?
Rituals may pursue him close, but never can they overtake him.
Charity, vows, and giving of gifts do not appeal to Madan's mind;
The Blissful Mother's Lotus Feet are his whole prayer and sacrifice.
Who could ever have conceived the power Her name possesses?
Śiva Himself, the God of Gods, sings Her praise with His five mouths!
The Master was beside himself with love for the Divine
Mother. He sang with fiery enthusiasm:
If only I can pass away repeating Durga's name,
How canst Thou then, O Blessed One,
Withhold from me deliverance,
Wretched though I may be? . . .
How canst Thou then, O Blessed One,
Withhold from me deliverance,
Wretched though I may be? . . .
Then he said, "One must take the firm attitude: 'What?
I have chanted the Mother's name. How can I be a sinner any more? I am
Her child, heir to Her powers and glories.'
"If you can give a spiritual turn to your tamas, you
can realize God with its help. Force your demands on God. He is by
no means a stranger to you. He is indeed your very own.
Illustration of physicians
you see, the quality of tamas can be used for the welfare of others.
There are three classes of physicians: superior, mediocre, and inferior.
The physician who feels the patient's pulse and just says to him, 'Take the
medicine regularly' belongs to the inferior class. He doesn't care to
inquire whether or not the patient has actually taken the medicine. The
mediocre physician is he who in various ways persuades the patient to take the
medicine, and says to him sweetly: 'My good man, how will you be cured unless
you use the medicine? Take this medicine. I have made it for you myself.'
But he who, finding the patient stubbornly refusing to take the medicine,
forces it down his throat, going so far as to put his knee on the patient's
chest, is the best physician. This is the manifestation of the tamas of
the physician. It doesn't injure the patient; on the contrary, it does
him good.
Three types of gurus
the physicians, there are three types of religious teachers. The inferior
teacher only gives instruction to the disciples but makes no inquiries about
their progress. The mediocre teacher, for the good of the student, makes
repeated efforts to bring the instruction home to him, begs him to assimilate
it, and shows him love in many other ways. But there is a type of teacher
who goes to the length of using force when he finds the student persistently
unyielding; I call him the best teacher."
No finality about God's nature
BRAHMO DEVOTEE: "Sir, has God forms or has He none?"
MASTER: "No one can say with finality
that God is only 'this' and nothing else. He is formless, and again He
has forms. For the bhakta He assumes forms. But He is formless for
the jnani, that is, for him who looks on the world as a mere dream. The
bhakta feels that he is one entity and the world another. Therefore God
reveals Himself to him as a Person. But the jnani-the Vedantist, for
instance-always reasons, applying the process of 'Not this, not this'.
Through this discrimination he realizes, by his inner perception, that the ego
and the universe are both illusory, like a dream. Then the jnani realizes
Brahman in his own consciousness. He cannot describe what Brahman is.
"Do you know what I mean? Think of Brahman,
Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute, as a shoreless ocean. Through the
cooling influence, as it were, of the bhakta's love, the water has frozen at
places into blocks of ice. In other words, God now and then assumes
various forms for His lovers and reveals Himself to them as a Person. But
with the rising of the sun of Knowledge, the blocks of ice melt. Then one
doesn't feel any more that God is a Person, nor does one see God's forms.
What He is cannot be described. Who will describe Him? He who would do so
disappears. He cannot find his 'I' any more.
Illusoriness of "I"
one analyses oneself, one doesn't find any such thing as 'I'. Take an
onion, for instance. First of all you peel off the red outer skin; then
you find thick white skins. Peel these off one after the other, and you
won't find anything inside.
"In that state a man no longer finds the existence of his
ego. And who is there left to seek it? Who can describe how he feels in
that state-in his own Pure Consciousness-about the real nature of Brahman? Once
a salt doll went to measure the depth of the ocean. No sooner was it in
the water than it melted. Now who was to tell the depth?
Sign of Perfect Knowledge
is a sign of Perfect Knowledge. Man becomes silent when It is
attained. Then the 'I', which may be likened to the salt doll, melts in
the Ocean of Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute and becomes one with It.
Not the slightest trace of distinction is left.
"As long as his self-analysis is not complete, man
argues with much ado. But he becomes silent when he completes it.
When the empty pitcher has been filled with water, when the water inside the
pitcher becomes one with the water of the lake outside, no more sound is
heard. Sound comes from the pitcher as long as the pitcher is not filled
with water.
"People used to say in olden days that no boat returns
after having once entered the 'black waters' of the ocean.
"All trouble and botheration come to an end when the
'I' dies. You may indulge in thousands of reasoning, but still the 'I'
doesn't disappear. For people like you and me, it is good to have the
feeling, 'I am a lover of God.'
Personal God for devotees
Saguna Brahman is meant for the bhaktas. In other words, a bhakta
believes that God has attributes and reveals Himself to men as a Person,
assuming forms. It is He who listens to our prayers. The prayers
that you utter are directed to Him alone. You are bhaktas, not jnanis or
Vedantists. It doesn't matter whether you accept God with form or
not. It is enough to feel that God is a Person who listens to our
prayers, who creates, preserves, and destroys the universe, and who is endowed
with infinite power.
"It is easier to attain God by following the path of
BRAHMO DEVOTEE: "Sir, is it possible for one
to see God? If so, why can't we see Him?"
MASTER: "Yes, He can surely be
seen. One can see His forms, and His formless aspect as well. How
can I explain that to you?"
Intense longing enables one to see God
DEVOTEE: "What are the means by which one can see God?"
MASTER: "Can you weep for Him with
intense longing of heart? Men shed a jugful of tears for the sake of their
children, for their wives, or for money. But who weeps for God? So long
as the child remains engrossed with its toys, the mother looks after her
cooking and other household duties. But when the child no longer relishes
the toys, it throws them aside and yells for its mother. Then the mother
takes the rice-pot down from the hearth, runs in haste, and takes the child in
her arms."
Why so much controversy about God?
DEVOTEE: "Sir, why are there so many different opinions about the nature
of God? Some say that God has form, while others say that He is formless.
Again, those who speak of God with form tell us about His different
forms. Why all this controversy?"
MASTER: "A devotee thinks of God as he
sees Him. In reality there is no confusion about God. God explains
all this to the devotee if the devotee only realizes Him somehow. You
haven't set your foot in that direction. How can you expect to know all
about God?
Parable of the chameleon
to a story. Once a man entered a wood and saw a small animal on a
tree. He came back and told another man that he had seen a creature of a
beautiful red colour on a certain tree. The second man replied: 'When I
went into the wood, I also saw that animal. But why do you call it red?
It is green.' Another man who was present contradicted them both and insisted
that it was yellow. Presently others arrived and contended that it was
grey, violet, blue, and so forth and so on. At last they started
quarrelling among themselves. To settle the dispute they all went to the
tree. They saw a man sitting under it. On being asked, he replied:
'Yes, I live under this tree and I know the animal very well. All your
descriptions are true. Sometimes it appears red, sometimes yellow, and at
other times blue, violet, grey, and so forth. It is a chameleon.
And sometimes it has no colour at all. Now it has a colour, and now it
has none.'
"In like manner, one who constantly thinks of God can
know His real nature; he alone knows that God reveals Himself to seekers in
various forms and aspects. God has attributes; then again He has
none. Only the man who lives under the tree knows that the chameleon can
appear in various colours, and he knows, further, that the animal at times has
no colour at all. It is the others who suffer from the agony of futile
"Kabir used to say, 'The formless Absolute is my
Father, and God with form is my Mother.'
"God reveals Himself in the form which His devotee
loves most. His love for the devotee knows no bounds. It is written
in the Purana that God assumed the form of Rama for His heroic devotee,
Vedantic Non-dualism
forms and aspects of God disappear when one discriminates in accordance with
the Vedanta philosophy. The ultimate conclusion of such discrimination is
that Brahman alone is real and this world of names and forms illusory. It
is possible for a man to see the forms of God, or to think of Him as a Person,
only so long as he is conscious that he is a devotee. From the standpoint
of discrimination this 'ego of a devotee' keeps him a little away from God.
"Do you know why images of Krishna or Kāli are three
and a half cubits high? Because of distance. Again, on account of
distance the sun appears to be small. But if you go near it you will find
the sun so big that you won't be able to comprehend it. Why have images
of Krishna and Kāli a dark-blue colour? That too is on account of distance,
like the water of a lake, which appears green, blue, or black from a
distance. Go near, take the water in the palm of your hand, and you will
find that it has no colour. The sky also appears blue from a
distance. Go near and you will see that it has no colour at all.
"Therefore I say that in the light of Vedantic
reasoning Brahman has no attributes. The real nature of Brahman cannot be
described. But so long as your individuality is real, the world also is
real, and equally real are the different forms of God and the feeling that God
is a Person.
"Yours is the path of bhakti. That is very good;
it is an easy path. Who can fully know the infinite God? and what need is
there of knowing the Infinite? Having attained this rare human birth, my
supreme need is to develop love for the Lotus Feet of God.
"If a jug of water is enough to remove my thirst, why
should I measure the quantity of water in a lake? I become drunk on even half a
bottle of wine-what is the use of my calculating the quantity of liquor in the
tavern? What need is there of knowing the Infinite?
"The various states of mind of the Brahmajnani are
described in the Vedas. The path of knowledge is extremely
difficult. One cannot obtain jnāna if one has the least trace of
worldliness and the slightest attachment to 'woman and gold'. This is not
the path for the Kaliyuga.
Seven planes of the mind
Vedas speak of seven planes where the mind dwells. When the mind is
immersed in worldliness it dwells in the three lower planes- at the naval, the
organ of generation, and the organ of evacuation. In that state the mind
loses all its higher visions-it broods only on 'woman and gold'. The
fourth plane of the mind is at the heart. When the mind dwells there, one
has the first glimpse of spiritual consciousness. One sees light all around.
Such a man, perceiving the divine light, becomes speechless with wonder and
says: 'Ah! What is this? What is this?' His mind does not go downward to the
objects of the world.
"The fifth plane of the mind is at the throat.
When the mind reaches this, the aspirant becomes free from all ignorance and
illusion. He does not enjoy talking or hearing about anything but
God. If people talk about worldly things, he leaves the place at once.
"The sixth plane is at the forehead. When the
mind reaches it, the aspirant sees the form of God day and night. But
even then a little trace of ego remains. At the sight of that
incomparable beauty of God's form, one becomes intoxicated and rushes forth to
touch and embrace it. But one doesn't succeed. It is like the light
inside a lantern. One feels as if one could touch the light, but one
cannot on account of the pane of glass.
"In the top of the head is the seventh plane.
When the mind rises there, one goes into samādhi. Then the Brahmajnani
directly perceives Brahman. But in that state his body does not last many
days. He remains unconscious of the outer world. If milk is poured
into his mouth, it runs out. Dwelling on this plane of consciousness, he
gives up his body in twenty-one days. That is the condition of the
Brahmajnani. But yours is the path of devotion. That is a very good
and easy path.
"Once a man said to me, 'Sir, can you teach me quickly
the thing you call samādhi?' (All laugh.)
Duties drop away with deepening of spiritual mood
a man has attained samādhi all his actions drop away. All devotional
activities, such as worship, japa, and the like, as well as all worldly duties,
cease to exist for such a person. At the beginning there is much ado
about work. As a man makes progress toward God, the outer display of his
work becomes less and less-so much so that he cannot even sing the name and
glories of God. (To Shivanath) As long as you were not here at the
meeting, people talked a great deal about you and discussed your virtues.
But no sooner did you arrive here than all that stopped. Now the very
sight of you makes everyone happy. People now simply say, 'Ah! Here is
Shivanath Babu.' All other talk about you has stopped.
What happens after samādhi
attaining samādhi, I once went to the Ganges to perform tarpan. But as I
took water in the palm of my hand, it trickled down through my fingers.
Weeping, I said to Haladhāri, 'Cousin, what is this?' Haladhāri replied, 'It is
called galitahasta in the holy books.' After the vision of God, such duties as
the performance of tarpan drop away.
"In the kirtan the devotee first sings, 'Nitai amar
mata hati.' As the devotional mood deepens, he simply sings, 'Hati! Hati!'
Next, all he can sing is 'Hati'. And last of all he simply sings, 'Ha!'
and goes into samādhi. The man who has been singing all the while then
becomes speechless.
"Again, at a feast given to the brahmins one at first
hears much noise of talking. When the guests sit on the floor with
leaf-plates in front of them, much of the noise ceases. Then one hears
only the cry, 'Bring some luchi!'
As they partake of the luchi and other dishes, three quarters of the noise subsides. When the curd, the last course, appears, one hears only the sound 'soop, soop' as the guests eat the curd with their fingers. Then there is practically no noise. Afterwards all retire to sleep, and absolute silence reigns.
"Therefore I say, at the beginning of religious life a
man makes much ado about work, but as his mind dives deeper into God, he becomes
less active. Last of all comes the renunciation of work, followed by
"Generally the body does not remain alive after the
attainment of samādhi. The only exceptions are such sages as Narada, who
keep their bodies alive in order to bring spiritual light to others. It
is also true of Divine Incarnations, like Chaitanya. After the well is
dug, one generally throws away the spade and the basket. But some keep
them in order to help their neighbours. The great souls who retain their
bodies after samādhi feel compassion for the suffering of others. They
are not so selfish as to be satisfied with their own illumination. You
are well aware of the nature of selfish people. If you ask them to spit
at a particular place, they won't, lest it should do you good. If you ask
them to bring a sweetmeat worth a cent from the store, they will perhaps lick
it on the way back. (All laugh.)
"But the manifestations of Divine Power are different
in different beings. Ordinary souls are afraid to teach others. A
piece of worthless timber may itself somehow float across the water, but it
sinks even under the weight of a bird. Sages like Narada are like a heavy
log of wood, which not only floats on the water but also can carry men, cows,
and even elephants.
(To Shivanath and the other Brahmo devotees) "Can you
tell me why you dwell so much on the powers and glories of God? I asked the
same thing of Keshab Sen. One day Keshab and his party came to the temple
garden at Dakshineswar. I told them I wanted to hear how they
lectured. A meeting was arranged in the paved courtyard above the
bathing-ghat on the Ganges, where Keshab gave a talk. He spoke very
well. I went into a trance. After the lecture I said to Keshab,
'Why do you so often say such things as: "O God, what beautiful flowers
Thou hast made! O God, Thou hast created the heavens, the stars, and the
ocean!" and so on?' Those who love splendour themselves are fond of
dwelling on God's splendour.
"Once a thief stole the jewels from the images in the
temple of Radhakanta. Mathur Babu entered the temple and said to the
Deity: 'What a shame, O God! You couldn't save Your own ornaments.' 'The idea!'
I said to Mathur. 'Does He who has Lakshmi for His handmaid and attendant
ever lack any splendour? Those jewels may be precious to you, but to God they
are no better than lumps of clay. Shame on you! You shouldn't have spoken
so meanly. 'What riches can you give to God to magnify His glory?'
"Therefore I say, a man seeks the person in whom he
finds joy. What need has he to ask where that person lives, the number of
his houses, gardens, relatives, and servants, or the amount of his wealth? I
forget everything when I see Narendra. Never, even unwittingly, have I
asked him where he lived, what his father's profession was, or the number of
his brothers.
"Dive deep in the sweetness of God's Bliss. What
need have we of His infinite creation and unlimited glory?"
Master sang:
Dive deep, O mind, dive deep in the Ocean of God's Beauty;
If you descend to the uttermost depths,
There you will find the gem of Love.
If you descend to the uttermost depths,
There you will find the gem of Love.
Go seek, O mind, go seek Vrindāvan in your heart,
Where with His loving devotees
Sri Krishna sports eternally.
Where with His loving devotees
Sri Krishna sports eternally.
Light up, O mind, light up true wisdom's shining lamp,
And let it burn with steady flame
Unceasingly within your heart.
And let it burn with steady flame
Unceasingly within your heart.
Who is it that steers your boat across the solid earth?
It is your guru, says Kubir;
Meditate on his holy feet.
It is your guru, says Kubir;
Meditate on his holy feet.
Sri Ramakrishna continued: "It is also true that after
the vision of God the devotee desires to witness His lila. After the
destruction of Ravana at Rama's hands, Nikasha, Ravana's mother, began to run
away for fear of her life. Lakshmana said to Rama: 'Revered Brother,
please explain this strange thing to me. This Nikasha is an old woman who
has suffered a great deal from the loss of her many sons, and yet she is so
afraid of losing her own life that she is taking to her heels!' Rama bade her
come near, gave her assurance of safety, and asked her why she was running
away. Nikasha answered: 'O Rama, I am able to witness all this lila of
Yours because I am still alive. I want to live longer so that I may see
the many more things You will do on this earth.' (All laugh.)
(To Shivanath) "I like to see you. How can I live
unless I see pure-souled devotees? I feel as if they had been my friends in a
former incarnation."
Reincarnation of soul & Inscrutability of God's ways
BRAHMO DEVOTEE: "Sir, do you believe in the reincarnation of the
MASTER: "Yes, they say there is
something like that. How can we understand the ways of God through our
small intellects? Many people have spoken about reincarnation; therefore I
cannot disbelieve it. As Bhishma lay dying on his bed of arrows, the
Pandava brothers and Krishna stood around him. They saw tears flowing
from the eyes of the great hero. Arjuna said to Krishna: 'Friend, how
surprising it is! Even such a man as our grandsire Bhishma-truthful,
self-restrained, supremely wise, and one of the eight Vasus-weeps, through
maya, at the hour of death.' Sri Krishna asked Bhishma about it. Bhishma
replied: 'O Krishna, You know very well that this is not the cause of my
grief. I am thinking that there is no end to the Pandavas' sufferings,
though God Himself is their charioteer.7 A thought like this makes me feel that
I have understood nothing of the ways of God, and so I weep.' "
It was about half past eight when the evening worship began
in the prayer hall. Soon the moon rose in the autumn sky and flooded the
trees and creepers of the garden with its light. After prayer the
devotees began to sing. Sri Ramakrishna was dancing, intoxicated with
love of God. The Brahmo devotees danced around him to the accompaniment
of drums and cymbals. All appeared to be in a very joyous mood. The
place echoed and re-echoed with God's holy name. When the music had
stopped, Sri Ramakrishna prostrated himself on the ground and, making
salutations to the Divine Mother again and again, said:
"Bhagavata-Bhakta-Bhagavan! My salutations at the feet of the jnanis! My
salutations at the feet of the bhaktas! I salute the bhaktas who believe in God
with form, and I salute the bhaktas who believe in God without form. I
salute the knowers of Brahman of olden times. And my salutations at the
feet of the modern knowers of Brahman of the Brahmo Samaj!"
Then the Master and the devotees enjoyed a supper of
delicious dishes, which Benimadhav, their host, had provided.
Wednesday, November 15, 1882
Master at the circus
Ramakrishna, accompanied by Rakhal and several other devotees, came to Calcutta
in a carriage and called for M. at the school where he was teaching. Then
they all set out for the Maidan. Sri Ramakrishna wanted to see the Wilson
Circus. As the carriage rolled along the crowded Chitpore Road, his joy
was very great. Like a little child he leaned first out of one side of
the carriage and then out of the other, talking to himself as if addressing the
passers-by. To M. he said: "I find the attention of the people fixed
on earthly things. They are all rushing about for the sake of their stomachs.
No one is thinking of God."
They arrived at the circus. Tickets for the cheapest
seats were purchased. The devotees took the Master to a high gallery, and
they all sat on a bench. He said joyfully: "Ha! This is a good
place. I can see the show well from here." There were exhibitions of
various feats. A horse raced around a circular track over which large
iron rings were hung at intervals. The circus rider, an Englishwoman,
stood on one foot on the horse's back, and as the horse passed under the rings,
she jumped through them, always alighting on one foot on the horse's
back. The horse raced around the entire circle, and the woman never
missed the horse or lost her balance.
When the circus was over, the Master and the devotees stood
outside in the field, near the carriage. Since it was a cold night he
covered his body with his green shawl.
Necessity of spiritual discipline
Ramakrishna said to M.: "Did you see how that Englishwoman stood on one
foot on her horse, while it ran like lightning? How difficult a feat that must
be! She must have practised a long time. The slightest carelessness and
she would break her arms or legs; she might even be killed. One faces the
same difficulty leading the life of a householder. A few succeed in it
through the grace of God and as a result of their spiritual practice. But
most people fail. Entering the world, they become more and more involved
in it; they drown in worldliness and suffer the agonies of death. A few
only, like Janaka, have succeeded, through the power of their austerity, in
leading the spiritual life as householders. Therefore spiritual practice
is extremely necessary; otherwise one cannot rightly live in the world."
The Master got into the carriage with the devotees and went
to Balaram Bose's house. He was taken with his companions to the second
floor. It was evening and the lamps were lighted. The Master
described the feats he had seen at the circus. Gradually other devotees
gathered, and soon he was engaged in spiritual talk with them.
Master on caste-system
conversation turned to the caste-system. Sri Ramakrishna said: "The
caste-system can be removed by one means only, and that is the love of
God. Lovers of God do not belong to any caste. The mind, body, and
soul of a man become purified through divine love. Chaitanya and
Nityananda scattered the name of Hari to everyone, including the pariah, and
embraced them all. A brahmin without this love is no longer a
brahmin. And a pariah with the love of God is no longer a pariah.
Through bhakti an untouchable becomes pure and elevated."
Entanglement of householders
of householders entangled in worldliness, the Master said: "They are like
the silk-worm. They can come out of the cocoon of their worldly life if
they wish. But they can't bear to; for they themselves have built the
cocoon with great love and care. So they die there. Or they are
like the fish in a trap. They can come out of it by the way they entered,
but they sport inside the trap with other fish and hear the sweet sound of the
murmuring water and forget everything else. They don't even make an
effort to free themselves from the trap. The lisping of children is the
murmur of the water; and the other fish are relatives and friends. Only
one or two make good their escape by running away. They are the liberated
Master then sang:
When such delusion veils the world, through Mahamaya's
That Brahma is bereft of sense,
And Vishnu loses consciousness,
What hope is left for men?
That Brahma is bereft of sense,
And Vishnu loses consciousness,
What hope is left for men?
The narrow channel first is made, and there the trap is set;
But open though the passage lies,
The fish, once safely through the gate,
Do not come out again.
But open though the passage lies,
The fish, once safely through the gate,
Do not come out again.
The silk-worm patiently prepares its closely spun cocoon;
Yet even though a way leads forth,
Encased within its own cocoon,
The worm remains to die.
Yet even though a way leads forth,
Encased within its own cocoon,
The worm remains to die.
The Master continued: "Man may be likened to
grain. He has fallen between the millstones and is about to be
crushed. Only the few grains that stay near the peg escape.
Therefore men should take refuge at the peg, that is to say, in God. Call
on Him. Sing His name. Then you will be free. Otherwise you
will be crushed by the King of Death."
Master sang again:
Mother! Mother! My boat is sinking, here in the ocean of
this world;
Fiercely the hurricane of delusion rages on every side!
Clumsy is my helmsman, the mind; stubborn my six oarsmen, the passions;
Into a pitiless wind
I sailed my boat, and now it is sinking!
Split is the rudder of devotion; tattered is the sail of faith;
Into my boat the waters are pouring! Tell me, what shall I do?
For with my failing eyes, alas! nothing but darkness do I see.
Here in the waves I will swim,
O Mother, and cling to the raft of Thy name!
Fiercely the hurricane of delusion rages on every side!
Clumsy is my helmsman, the mind; stubborn my six oarsmen, the passions;
Into a pitiless wind
I sailed my boat, and now it is sinking!
Split is the rudder of devotion; tattered is the sail of faith;
Into my boat the waters are pouring! Tell me, what shall I do?
For with my failing eyes, alas! nothing but darkness do I see.
Here in the waves I will swim,
O Mother, and cling to the raft of Thy name!
Mr. Viswas had been sitting in the room a long time;
he now left. He had once been wealthy but had squandered everything in an
immoral life. Finally he had become indifferent to his wife and
children. Referring to Mr. Viswas, the Master said: "He is an
unfortunate wretch. A householder has his duties to discharge, his debts
to pay: his debt to the gods, his debt to his ancestors, his debt to the
rishis, and his debt to wife and children. If a wife is chaste, then her
husband should support her; he should also bring up their children until they
are of age. Only a monk must not save; the bird and the monk do not
provide for the morrow. But even a bird provides when it has young.
It brings food in its bill for its chicks."
BALARAM: "Mr. Viswas now wants to
cultivate the company of holy people."
MASTER (with a smile): "A monk's
kamandalu goes to the four principal holy places with him, but it still tastes
bitter. Likewise, it is said that the Malaya breeze turns all trees into
sandal-wood. But there are a few exceptions, such as the cotton-tree, the
Aśwattha, and the hog plum.
"Some frequent the company of holy men in order to
smoke hemp. Many monks smoke it, and these householders stay with them,
prepare the hemp, and partake of the prasad."
Thursday, November 16, 1882
Master had come to Calcutta. In the evening he went to the house of
Rajmohan, a member of the Brahmo Samaj, where Narendra and some of his young
friends used to meet and worship according to the Brahmo ceremonies. Sri
Ramakrishna wanted to see their worship. He was accompanied by M. and a
few other devotees.
The Master was very happy to see Narendra and expressed a
desire to watch the young men at their worship. Narendra sang and then
the worship began. One of the young men conducted it. He prayed,
"O Lord, may we give up everything and be absorbed in Thee!" Possibly
the youth was inspired by the Master's presence and so talked of utter
renunciation. Sri Ramakrishna remarked in a whisper, "Much
likelihood there is of that!" Rajmohan served the Master with
Sunday, November 19, 1882
was the auspicious occasion of the Jagaddhatri Puja, the festival of the Divine
Mother. Sri Ramakrishna was invited to Surendra's house in Calcutta; but
first he went to the house of Manomohan in the neighbourhood.
The Master was seated in Manomohan's parlour. He said:
"God very
much relishes the bhakti of the poor and the lowly, just as the cow relishes fodder mixed with oil-cake. King Duryodhana showed Krishna the splendour of his wealth and riches, but Krishna accepted the hospitality of the poor Vidura. God is fond of His devotees. He runs after the devotee as the cow after the calf."
much relishes the bhakti of the poor and the lowly, just as the cow relishes fodder mixed with oil-cake. King Duryodhana showed Krishna the splendour of his wealth and riches, but Krishna accepted the hospitality of the poor Vidura. God is fond of His devotees. He runs after the devotee as the cow after the calf."
Master sang:
And, for that love, the mighty yogis practise yoga from age
to age;
When love awakes, the Lord, like a magnet, draws to Him the soul.
When love awakes, the Lord, like a magnet, draws to Him the soul.
Then he said: "Chaitanya used to shed tears of joy at
the very mention of Krishna's name. God alone is the real Substance; all
else is illusory. Man can realize God if he wants to, but he madly craves
the enjoyment of 'woman and gold'. The snake has a precious stone in its
head, but it is perfectly satisfied to eat a mere frog.
"Bhakti is the one essential thing. Who can ever
know God through reasoning? I want love of God. What do I care about
knowing His infinite glories? One bottle of wine makes me drunk. What do
I care about knowing how many gallons there are in the grog-shop? One jar of
water is enough to quench my thirst. I don't need to know the amount of
water there is on earth."
Sri Ramakrishna arrived at Surendra's house. Many devotees
had assembled there, including Surendra's elder brother, who was a judge.
Futility of reasoning
MASTER (To Surendra's brother): "You
are a judge. That is very good. But remember, everything happens
through God's power. It is He who has given you your high position; that
is how you became a judge. People think it is they who are great.
The water from the roof flows through a spout that is shaped like a lion's
head. It looks as if the lion were bringing the water out through its
mouth. But look at the source of the water! A cloud gathers in the sky
and rain falls on the roof; then the water flows through the pipe and at last
comes out through the spout."
SURENDRA'S BROTHER: "The Brahmo Samaj preaches the
freedom of women and the abolition of the caste-system. What do you think
about these matters?"
MASTER: "Men feel that way when they
are just beginning to develop spiritual yearning. A storm raises clouds
of dust, and one cannot distinguish between the different trees-the mango, the
hog plum, and the tamarind. But after the storm blows over, one sees
clearly. After the first storm of divine passion is quelled, one
gradually understands that God alone is the Highest Good, the Eternal
Substance, and that all else is transitory. One cannot grasp this without
tapasya and the company of holy men. What is the use of merely reciting
the written parts for the drum? It is very difficult to put them into practice
on the instrument. What can be accomplished by a mere lecture? It is
austerity that is necessary. By that alone can one comprehend.
"You asked about caste distinctions. There is
only one way to remove them, and that is by love of God. Lovers of God
have no caste. Through this divine love the untouchable becomes pure, the
pariah no longer remains a pariah. Chaitanya embraced all, including the
"The members of the Brahmo Samaj sing the name of
Hari. That is very good. Through earnest prayer one receives the
grace of God and realizes Him. God can be realized by means of all paths.
The same God is invoked by different names."
Master on Theosophy
BROTHER: "Sir, what do you think of Theosophy?"
MASTER: "I have heard that man can
acquire superhuman powers through it and perform miracles. I saw a man
who had brought a ghost under control. The ghost used to procure various
things for his master. What shall I do with superhuman powers? Can one
realize God through them? If God is not realized then everything becomes
November 1882
was about four o'clock in the afternoon when Sri Ramakrishna arrived in
Calcutta to attend the annual festival of the Brahmo Samaj, which was to be
celebrated at Manilal Mallick's house. Besides M. and other devotees of
the Master, Vijay Goswami and a number of Brahmos were present. Elaborate
arrangements had been made to make the occasion a success. Vijay was to
conduct the worship.
The kathak recited the life of Prahlada from the
Purana. Its substance was as follows: Hiranyakasipu, Prahlada's father,
was king of the demons. He bore great malice toward God and put his own
son through endless tortures for leading a religious life. Afflicted by
his father, Prahlada prayed to God, "O God, please give my father holy
At these words the Master wept. He went into an
ecstatic mood. Afterwards he began to talk to the devotees.
MASTER: "Bhakti is the only essential thing. One
obtains love of God by constantly chanting His name and singing His
glories. Ah! What a devotee Shivanath is! He is soaked in the love of
God, like a cheese-cake in syrup.
"One should not think, 'My religion alone is the right
path and other religions are false.' God can be realized by means of all
paths. It is enough to have sincere yearning for God. Infinite are
the paths and infinite the opinions.
The pure in heart see God
me tell you one thing. God can be seen. The Vedas say that God is
beyond mind and speech. The meaning of this is that God is unknown to the
mind attached to worldly objects. Vaishnavcharan used to say, 'God is
known by the mind and intellect that are pure.' Therefore it is necessary to
seek the company of holy men, practise prayer, and listen to the instruction of
the guru. These purify the mind. Then one sees God. Dirt can
be removed from water by a purifying agent. Then one sees one's
reflection in it. One cannot see one's face in a mirror if the mirror is
covered with dirt.
"After the purification of the heart one obtains divine
love. Then one sees God, through His grace. One can teach others if
one receives that command from God after seeing Him. Before that one
should not 'lecture'. There is a song that says:
You have set up no image here,
Within the shrine, O fool!
Blowing the conch, you simply make
Confusion worse confounded.
Within the shrine, O fool!
Blowing the conch, you simply make
Confusion worse confounded.
"You should first cleanse the shrine of your
heart. Then you should install the Deity and arrange worship. As
yet nothing has been done. What can you achieve by blowing the
conch-shell and simply making a loud noise?"
Vijay sat on a raised stool and conducted the worship
according to the rules of the Brahmo Samaj. Afterwards he sat by the
MASTER (to Vijay): "Will you tell me one thing? Why did
you harp so much on sin? By repeating a hundred times, 'I am a sinner', one
verily becomes a sinner. One should have such faith as to be able to say,
'What? I have taken the name of God; how can I be a sinner?' God is our Father
and Mother. Tell Him, 'O Lord, I have committed sins, but I won't repeat
them.' Chant His name and purify your body and mind. Purify your tongue
by singing God's holy name."
December 1882
the afternoon Sri Ramakrishna was seated on the west porch of his room in the
temple garden at Dakshineswar. Among others, Baburam, Ramdayal, and M.
were present. These three were going to spend the night with the
Master. M. intended to stay the following day also, for he was having his
Christmas holidays. Baburam had only recently begun to visit the Master.
MASTER (to the devotees): "A man becomes liberated even
in this life when he knows that God is the Doer of all things. Once
Keshab came here with Sambhu Mallick. I said to him, 'Not even a leaf
moves except by the will of God.' Where is man's free will? All are under the
will of God. Nangta was a man of great knowledge, yet even he was about
to drown himself in the Ganges. He stayed here eleven months. At
one time he suffered from stomach trouble. The excruciating pain made him
lose control over himself, and he wanted to drown himself in the river.
There was a long shoal near the bathing-ghat. However far he went into
the river, he couldn't find water above his knees. Then he understood
everything and came back. At one time I was very ill and was about to cut
my throat with a knife. Therefore I say: 'O Mother, I am the machine and
Thou art the Operator; I am the chariot and Thou art the Driver. I move
as Thou movest me; I do as Thou makest me do.' "
The devotees sing kirtan in the Master's room:
Dwell, O Lord, O Lover of bhakti,
In the Vrindāvan of my heart,
And my devotion unto Thee
Will be Thy Radha, dearly loved;
My body will be Nanda's home,
My tenderness will be Yaśoda,
My longing for deliverance
Will be Thy gentle gopi maids.
Lift the Govardhan of my sin
And slay my six unyielding passions,
Fierce as the demons sent by Kamsa!
Sweetly play the flute of Thy grace,
Charming the milch cow of my mind;
Abide in the pasture of my soul.
Dwell by the Jamuna of my yearning,
Under the banyan of my hope,
For ever gracious to Thy servant;
And, if naught but the cowherds' love
Can hold Thee in Vrindāvan's vale,
Then, Lord, let Dasarathi, too,
Become Thy cowherd and Thy slave.
In the Vrindāvan of my heart,
And my devotion unto Thee
Will be Thy Radha, dearly loved;
My body will be Nanda's home,
My tenderness will be Yaśoda,
My longing for deliverance
Will be Thy gentle gopi maids.
Lift the Govardhan of my sin
And slay my six unyielding passions,
Fierce as the demons sent by Kamsa!
Sweetly play the flute of Thy grace,
Charming the milch cow of my mind;
Abide in the pasture of my soul.
Dwell by the Jamuna of my yearning,
Under the banyan of my hope,
For ever gracious to Thy servant;
And, if naught but the cowherds' love
Can hold Thee in Vrindāvan's vale,
Then, Lord, let Dasarathi, too,
Become Thy cowherd and Thy slave.
Again they sang:
Sing, O bird that nestles deep within my heart!
Sing, O bird that sits on the Kalpa-Tree of Brahman!
Sing God's everlasting praise.
Taste, O bird, of the four fruits of the Kalpa-Tree,
Dharma, artha, kama, moksha.
Sing, O bird, "He alone is the Comfort of my soul!"
Sing, O bird, "He alone is my life's enduring Joy!"
O thou wondrous bird of my life,
Sing aloud in my heart! Unceasingly sing, O bird!
Sing for evermore, even as the thirsty chatak
Sings for the raindrop from the cloud.
Sing, O bird that sits on the Kalpa-Tree of Brahman!
Sing God's everlasting praise.
Taste, O bird, of the four fruits of the Kalpa-Tree,
Dharma, artha, kama, moksha.
Sing, O bird, "He alone is the Comfort of my soul!"
Sing, O bird, "He alone is my life's enduring Joy!"
O thou wondrous bird of my life,
Sing aloud in my heart! Unceasingly sing, O bird!
Sing for evermore, even as the thirsty chatak
Sings for the raindrop from the cloud.
A devotee from Nandanbagan entered the room with his
friends. The Master looked at him and said, "Everything inside him
can be seen through his eyes, as one sees the objects in a room through a glass
door." This devotee and his brothers always celebrated the anniversary of
the Brahmo Samaj at their house in Nandanbagan. Sri Ramakrishna had taken
part in these festivals.
The evening worship began in the temples. The Master
was seated on the small couch in his room, absorbed in meditation. He
went into an ecstatic mood and said a little later: "Mother, please draw
him to Thee. He is so modest and humble! He has been visiting Thee."
Was the Master referring to Baburam, who later became one of his foremost
Why so much suffering in God's creation?
Master explained the different kinds of samādhi to the devotees. The
conversation then turned to the joy and suffering of life. Why did God
create so much suffering?
M: "Once Vidyasagar said in a mood of pique: 'What is
the use of calling on God? Just think of this incident: At one time Chenghiz
Khan plundered a country and imprisoned many people. The number of
prisoners rose to about a hundred thousand. The commander of his army
said to him: "Your Majesty, who will feed them? It is risky to keep them
with us. It will be equally dangerous to release them. What shall I
do?" Chenghiz Khan said: "That's true. What can be done? Well,
have them killed." The order was accordingly given to cut them to
pieces. Now, God saw this slaughter, didn't He? But He didn't stop it in
any way. Therefore I don't need God, whether He exists or not. I
don't derive any good from Him.'"
MASTER: "Is it possible to understand God's action and
His motive? He creates, He preserves, and He destroys. Can we ever
understand why He destroys? I say to the Divine Mother: 'O Mother, I do not
need to understand. Please give me love for Thy Lotus Feet.' The aim of
human life is to attain bhakti. As for other things, the Mother knows
best. I have come to the garden to eat mangoes. What is the use of
my calculating the number of trees, branches, and leaves? I only eat the
mangoes; I don't need to know the number of trees and leaves."
Baburam, M., and Ramdayal slept that night on the floor of
the Master's room.
It was an early hour of the morning, about two or three
o'clock. The room was dark. Sri Ramakrishna was seated on his bed
and now and then conversed with the devotees.
Compassion and attachment
"Remember that daya, compassion, and maya, attachment, are two different
things. Attachment means the feeling of 'my-ness' toward one's
relatives. It is the love one feels for one's parents, one's brother,
one's sister, one's wife and children. Compassion is the love one feels
for all beings of the world. It is an attitude of equality. If you
see anywhere an instance of compassion, as in Vidyasagar, know that it is due
to the grace of God. Through compassion one serves all beings. Maya
also comes from God. Through maya God makes one serve one's
relatives. But one thing should be remembered: maya keeps us in ignorance
and entangles us in the world, whereas daya makes our hearts pure and gradually
unties our bonds.
"God cannot be realized without purity of heart.
One receives the grace of God by subduing the passions-lust, anger, and
greed. Then one sees God. I tried many things in order to conquer
"When I was ten or eleven years old and lived at
Kamarpukur, I first experienced samādhi. As I was passing through a
paddy-field, I saw something and was overwhelmed. There are certain
characteristics of God-vision. One sees light, feels joy, and experiences
the upsurge of a great current in one's chest, like the bursting of a
The next day Baburam and Ramdayal returned to
Calcutta. M. spent the day and the night with the Master.
December 1882
was afternoon. The Master was sitting in his room at Dakshineswar with M.
and one or two other devotees. Several Marwari devotees arrived and
saluted the Master. They requested Sri Ramakrishna to give them spiritual
instruction. He smiled.
MASTER (to the Marwari devotees): "You see, the feeling
of 'I' and 'mine' is the result of ignorance. But to say, 'O God, Thou
art the Doer; all these belong to Thee' is the sign of Knowledge. How can
you say such a thing as 'mine'? The superintendent of the garden says, 'This is
my garden.' But if he is dismissed because of some misconduct, then he does not
have the courage to take away even such a worthless thing as his mango-wood
box. Anger and lust cannot be destroyed. Turn them toward
God. If you must feel desire and temptation, then desire to realize God,
feel tempted by Him. Discriminate and turn the passions away from worldly
objects. When the elephant is about to devour a plaintain-tree in
someone's garden, the mahut strikes it with his iron-tipped goad.
"You are merchants. You know how to improve your
business gradually. Some of you start with a castor-oil factory.
After making some money at that, you open a cloth shop. In the same way,
one makes progress toward God. It may be that you go into solitude, now
and then, and devote more time to prayer.
"But you must remember that nothing can be achieved
except in its proper time. Some persons must pass through many
experiences and perform many worldly duties before they can turn their
attention to God; so they have to wait a long time. If an abscess is lanced
before it is soft, the result is not good; the surgeon makes the opening when
it is soft and has come to a head. Once a child said to its mother:
'Mother, I am going to sleep now. Please wake me up when I feel the call
of nature.' 'My child,' said the mother, 'when it is time for that, you will
wake up yourself. I shan't have to wake you.' "
The Marwari devotees generally brought offerings of fruit,
candy, and other sweets for the Master. But Sri Ramakrishna could hardly
eat them. He would say: "They earn their money by falsehood. I
can't eat their offerings." He said to the Marwaris: "You see, one
can't strictly adhere to truth in business. There are ups and downs in
business. Nanak once said, 'I was about to eat the food of unholy people,
when I found it stained with blood.' A man should offer only pure things to
holy men. He shouldn't give them food earned by dishonest means.
God is realized by following the path of truth. One should always chant
His name. Even while one is performing one's duties, the mind should be
left with God. Suppose I have a carbuncle on my back. I perform my
duties, but the mind is drawn to the carbuncle. It is good to repeat the
name of Rama. 'The same Rama who was the son of King Dasaratha has created
this world. Again, as Spirit, He pervades all beings. He is very
near us; He is both within and without.' "
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